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If you want access to the newest updates, they'll appear here first. The Canary Channel ships daily and is the most bleeding edge of all the channels. Microsoft offers Edge users different update channels.

Under Enhance images in Microsoft Edge in settings, it now says "Image URLS will be sent to Microsoft to provide super resolution."

Observant Edge Canary users spotted a difference in the description of the feature after an update. This is enabled by default, so users have to opt out if they don't want their images to be sent. Unlike the Video Super Resolution which uses local resources to enhance the quality of video viewed in Microsoft Edge, the pictures submitted to the Enhance images service are sent to Microsoft for processing as Edge loads them. The feature is designed to upscale low resolution images, making them sharper, and improving the lighting and contrast. A new feature labelled Enhance images in Microsoft Edge has raised some privacy concerns. A relatively new service provided by Microsoft’s browser Edge sends images you've viewed online back to Microsoft.